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Solution to Soil Salinity

Magnetised Water Technology

For over 30 years scientists researched the effects of magnetic fields on plants and a method of magneto-hydro dynamical activisation of irrigation waters. From this research exciting new applications have been developed and tested in Europe, Middle East and Australia. The applications include physical- chemical changes of irrigation water parameters, resulting in improvement of filtration properties and in an increase in the dissolving properties of water.

Research shows that these changes result in an increased ability of soil to get rid of salts and results in a better assimilation of nutrients and fertilizer in plants during the vegetation period. Plants irrigated with magnetised water easily take up mineral salts from the soil and no sediment is formed on the soil surface.

The advantages of using magnetic water for irrigating crops are as follows:

  • Vegetation period decreases by 15-20 days, therefore the crops ripe 15-20 days earlier than normal 
  • Crop production increases from 15% to 100% 
  • Plant disease rates dramatically decrease 
  • The taste of agricultural products improves

Results of Using Magnetic Water for Soil Desalination

The photographs below show results from an experiment that included using salt water for irrigation of different plants. In each case the salt content of the water was 10000 PPM. The results shown on the left are those where magnetised water was used with seeds that had undergone magnetic treatment. The results on the right are those from the control group where non-magnetised water and untreated seeds were used.

The experiment site. To the left is the test area and to the right is the control.

When irrigating with magnetic water growth rate and soil colour was affected.

Changes in the soil structure of the area irrigated with magnetic water can be seen.