Our Australian technology is guaranteed to save 10% to 30% in water usage in farming, increase yields, increase water flow, taste, shelf life, nutrient content, eliminate salinity, scaling and more.
University of Western Sydney writes: “Irrigation of celery with magnetically treated 3000 ppm saline water and recycled water resulted in 23% and 12% increase in crop yield; and resulted in 24% and 12% increase in water productivity based on fresh weight respectively when compared with the control. The magnetic treatment of water significantly changed P and Ca concentration in celery shoots and in pods of snow peas.”
Further controlled studies show the following results on varying crops:
Quantum BioTek is currently conducting a study in the US with a prominent Ag university to substantiate the results found abroad. The study is to conclude in September of 2009.
Click to open Israeli study on Magnetic Water Treatment and Agriculture from 1990.